Globe Flowers

below western mountain ranges
lilac-colored globes curving for attention
cupped like hands testing spring rain
umbrellas turned the wrong way by wind
whispers of sprinkles
light as a cat’s footsteps stalking a bird
yellow offerings in wet heavy clay earth
after the prevailing storm
after I’ve held your hand
I do not feel this world spinning
but I know it does
like those merry-go-round globe flowers
if I had one story to spin
you would be in it
cupped in my hands


Martin Willitts Jr has 24 chapbooks including the Turtle Island Quarterly Editor’s Choice Award, “The Wire Fence Holding Back the World” (Flowstone Press, 2017), plus 16 full-length collections including the Blue Light Award 2019, “The Temporary World”. His recent book is "Unfolding Towards Love" (Wipf and Stock).