A Valley Among Geysers

The humble valley sings a sweet song

burbling its gentle melody as warm steam

brushes the sky with conscious strokes

letting out an exasperated sigh

as passerby move along

to praise the mighty Geysir.
The humble valley boasts hidden treasures

teeming with life in colourful cracks and crevices,

boiling slurries that gurgle and pop,

venting out tensions held by Mother Earth.

The humble valley whispers

as frigid winds flow over the bumpy landscape

and tickle my half-numb cheeks, 

reminding me that the valley is a wild a place,

and that I carry the valley in me.


Vanessa Ong is a Teochew-Chinese-Vietnamese-Canadian woman of colour living and working in Kitchener, Ontario. As cofounder of Littlefoot Community Projects, she is interested in building a decolonized food justice movement, which addresses difficult topics like food security, land sovereignty, intergenerational food systems, and cultural resilience. She spends her time overthinking and curling up in bed when the too-muchness of life takes hold.