Watching One Raindrop From My Seattle Window in Lieu of Visiting Hulda Klager Gardens in Woodland, WA (during COVID)

last week’s dark nubbins
                                                spread petals to open as lilacs
            with each corolla blossom
letting go
                        i turn to inhale
pause for a long linger on gray painted porch steps

here i am coming        and stalling     and going
where hours of rain
                                    leave a sheen
on heart-shaped leaves                       
to edges
of each flat green surface

i focus                                     as one droplet becomes
becomes pendant       
suspended jewel
                        soon will surrender
                                                to gravity
                                                            i wait
for the molecules’ final parting

                                    wind tug
                                    top branch shake

still the pendant holds                         without a visible shiver
this invisible quiver
no motion commotion
although i know inside                       exists incessant clatter
i watch until
this single pendant                  widens                         on the stem
then drops                   lost                  newfound


Mary Ellen Talley’s poems have been published in numerous literary journals including Gyroscope, Raven Chronicles, Rat’s Ass Review, and Banshee as well as in several anthologies. A former school-based speech-language pathologist (SLP), she resides in Seattle, WA. Her work has received three Pushcart nominations. A chapbook, “Postcards from the Lilac City” was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020. 

Banner image courtesy the poet.