Camping with a Dog: The Best Tips for Fun and Safety

By Aurora James

Shared public lands, or what you might commonly refer to as national parks, forests, and conservation areas, provide the perfect opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature with your pooch. If you’re bringing your pet along, however, there are several things to prepare for, including safe bedding and having a plan in place for injuries -- not to mention finding a park that is four-paw friendly. Below you’ll find lots of great tips and additional resources to peruse, to ensure your trip is safe as well as fun.

While you don’t want to overpack, it’s important to think about your dog’s needs and plan for them when you’re gathering items to bring. Think about what your activities will be during the trip—hiking, sitting around a campfire, grilling—and how those things might impact your pet, as well as the public lands you have been given the privilege of using.

Aurora believes there are no bad dogs. She created to share her dog training tips and advice to dog owners everywhere


Banner photo by Mitch Barrie / CC.

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